Wednesday, May 13, 2009

College Is Expensive!

Going to college is extremely important in order for young adults to have the freedom to design their own path in life. All parents encourage their teenagers to attend college, and those four years are honestly some of the best years of your life. For a majority of people however, at the conclusion of those four years, you realize that you now have to pay off all those student loans you accumulated! Why not go to college for free?
Keeping your grades up is crucial to getting into a good college, but soccer can be a great avenue as well. Being a very good athlete can get you a scholarship to go to a well-recognized University that under normal circumstances, you wouldn't be able to afford! So my advice to all the young players out there is do your homework early, and once your done, make sure you go into the backyard and spend some time with your ball. Your time and effort now can save you over $100,000 in the future!

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