Monday, March 30, 2009

Always Consult a Professional Before Starting a Weight Training Program!

This article goes out to my fellow 5'7, 145 lb players out there. A lot of small or skinny players think the solution to their problem is to rack up 180 lbs on the bench press and push out 2 reps. Well I have news for you, not only will you still be small in the grand scheme of things, you just made yourself slower as well! My advice is to consult with a personal trainer or any sort of fitness specialist before starting a weight program. Just like everything else regarding training for soccer, there's a specific, unique way for soccer players to lift. Keep the weights moderate to light, keep the reps high, and go through functional movements. For example, instead of doing squats with 150 lbs on a bar for 5 reps; hold a 10 lb medicine ball over your head and do 3 sets of 10 squat jumps. See how your legs feel after that! Working out with weights can be extremely beneficial when done properly, just seek the proper assistance if you're not sure.

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